Friday’s Passing Fancies/Poem: Ten Thousand Mercies

Photo by Cynthia Guenther Richardson

All the worldly echoes gathering, rumbling,
layers of razzmatazz donned, deserted
then shed as if one more tawdry mask,
catchy talk illuminating nothing,
feeble promises like love that never starts.

One more day loosed and leaving us,
another night swept past gauze of horizons,
the weighty human heart an interruption
of what matters so little, even less.
We might quell the charade of deception,
harness winds of truth, scatter revelations
unlocked from where a deeper power resides.

Enact one, ten thousand useful mercies,
give out hope we, greedy, have safeguarded;
refine the worth of courage, let it gleam.
Reassemble walls, those ancient errors, redesign,
but first look up, lift higher, keep burning
hallowed lights of freedom, flame of peace.

2 thoughts on “Friday’s Passing Fancies/Poem: Ten Thousand Mercies

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