

I’m an on-the-go sort of person from Oregon who makes it a point to seek positive experiences with diverse people and within nature. I am powerfully drawn to a diversity of places, both the outdoors and cities (and enjoy writing of small trips). First and last, I am a lover of life, and wake up curious about what lies ahead each day.

Authentic stories organically arise from life’s beauty and sorrows. I’m a lifelong writer of creative nonfiction, fiction and poetry, and write at least three days a week. Story is my truest love although all the arts, as well as nature, invigorate my being and doing. The sciences also instruct me well. Living in the great Pacific Northwest, I can avail myself of fine and varied material.

A retired addictions and mental health clinician who worked in human services over thirty years, I provided counseling to many peoples: high-risk youth, Native Americans and other persons of color, mentally ill, homeless people and also the frail elderly. In this work has been woven manifold tales of hardship and loss, courage and triumph. While pursuing my career I raised five children and have seven grandchildren (though a granddaughter passed in 2022). Living amid trees and hills, surrounded by mountains, I am deeply thankful even in these unsettled times.

I appreciate being in a community of bloggers. It has never been more crucial for each to find a voice and be heard, especially any who’ve lost personal power and with it, sustained hope. A central tenet of my living and writing is that we are spiritual beings cloaked in human bodies; when we reawaken to this we can share the powerful compassion of Divine Love. This is deeply transformative and impacts all we meet. I identify as an open-minded, liberal Christian but much else instructs me, and Nature is a primary teacher. I have not lived a quiet or easy life but have discovered greater peace with age. Speaking up more openly–while listening better–is part of my ongoing human growth.

Though I was raised in a family of musicians, I chose writing over performing arts–except for poetry readings, which I enjoy. Several pieces of fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry have been published in small literary journals as well as anthologies over decades. It was an honor to be nominated for a Pushcart Prize for a novel-in-progress excerpt published in the anthology VoiceCatcher. I also admire visual arts so share with you some photographs, though only one photo has been published beyond this blog.

I have blogged for 11 years and am so grateful for the followers that have read my work, as well as reading others’ work. I share this life being lived at 71 in the hope that you may find something of value, saomething of good use. Living well (especially when life is hard) is my passion; writing is my primary instrument to better understand human dreaming and striving.

Living in intentional love is how I keep on. There is much to be done; I am trying to do it creatively!

In good will,


Comments about the blog? Email me at: cynthiaj.g.richardson_22@talesforlife.blog

61 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Cynthia – I saw your comment on Liana’s blog and clicked on your name because it’s familiar, but I can’t figure out why. I still can’t but I have a poor memory…is it because I’ve seen your comments before? Or have I run across you locally, around Seattle? Anyway, I’m scratching my head.

    1. Hello bluebrightly, I kind of recall your WP moniker…I live in the NW–Portland–but it’s not so likely our paths have crossed. I had a sister, now deceased, who lived in Issaquah for many years so visited often up there. I also attended a writers’ conference in Edmunds last fall so perhaps that is it. In any case, thanks for stopping by–I will check out your blog. Regards.

      1. It must be seeing your name on comments on blogs that’s made it familiar, because I haven’t done any writing workshops and I haven’t lived in the area ll that long so wouldn’t know your sister. In any case, nice to meet you!

  2. Dear Cynthia, I always read your stories and I’d like to say I love them very much! You have such interesting and wonderful manner of speaking. Thank you for sharing with us your looks on this world!
    Elena Sljusar

    1. Thank you so kindly for your generous words. I’m very pleased you find some good things in my stories. I’m glad we can have WordPress to share our thoughts with others; I appreciate you taking the time to comment! Blessings.

  3. WordPress, or possibly my settings won’t allow me to ‘like’ your stories from your blog. However, I’ve been reading them every time I raise my head above my task list. Your descriptive power is amazing. I’d love to ask you some questions if you’d email me 🙂 ashawlowm53@gmail.com

  4. Hello Cynthia! I landed here through Harold’s photography blog. I’m looking forward to exploring and reading more of your wonderful tales. All the best, Marina

  5. This is so beautiful:)
    Indeed God is with us in every moment..I look forward to reading your work
    Love Zara<3

  6. Dear Cynthia,

    I attempted to reply to your recent e-mail, but it was returned to me as undeliverable because of an address error. I suspect that the address that you typed into the e-mail form on my website may contain a simple typo – a mistake that’s all too easy to make. So I’m using this as an alternate way to respond to your request. I have no objection to your use of a few of my images. By chance, I sometimes find my stuff being shared on personal blogs, and I’m typically glad to see it being appreciated and featured in that way. Citing proper attribution is important, of course. But please use them and enjoy! I’ll be curious to see which images you choose, and in what context they turn up. Be aware, however: I construct my website in an unconventional way that allows for more creative control over the appearance of the pages – so if you do a “drag-and-drop” to grab an image from the site, you’ll find that the text and background will come right along with it. If you know the basics of cropping with any standard photo-processing application, you’ll be able to crop away the unwanted stuff quite easily. But if you have trouble, just let me know.


    1. Hello Kit,

      Thanks for the immediate reply. Sorry an error made it more difficult to respond but it worked out.

      I’m pleased you are granting me permission to use your images on my blog. I look forward to using one as a “prompt’ to spur my imagination and write a short story soon. Attribution requirement understood. Come back sometime and discover what unfurls in words.



      1. Don’t mention it!! I just wanted to thank you for sharing your beautiful posts:) I appreciate it !!
        Stay in touch !!

  7. Thank you very much for following and commenting my blog “Fill the Empty Spaces”! I love your blog that filled the different versatile stories… 🙂 Therefore, I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Please get the badge at http://wp.me/p3z6Kf-Ey 🙂 Have a great day!

  8. I like to read things from other perspectives and we share some similar interests…writing, poems, and mental health. That’s why I “like” your stuff. 🙂

  9. an annoying post script, since you have taken the time more than once to provide enriched feedback–I post on more than one blog. One is shared with four other women writers. You mistakenly commented on an excellent post by my blogging colleague thinking you were addressing me. That is NO problem. It does make me curious how you reached that blog and not my own, which is http://anothersideofjune.wordpress.com/ and perhaps worthy or a glance, when time permits…cheers

  10. This is the profile of a lovely person. Glad to have you on the planet. May you stay well-fueled and nourished on your path.

  11. I think you’re on the right track with your belief in the power of language for healing, but it isn’t language in the abstract that does this. I think language itself is rather limiting. What helps us transcend the incomprehensible or inexpressible is story. Story and myth are metaphors for life, or as Kenneth Burke said, “Stories are equipment for living.”

    Nice blog. Your stories equip readers.

    1. You have a good point. The human language we share, if not infused with the power of feeling and spiritual energies, can be of little use. But since this is the primary conduit for who we are and what we offer each other (other than non-verbal language) we try our best to utilize its gifts. As a counselor I have discovered that those who have not spoken their truths, even simply and shyly, are freed when they are allowed and encouraged to do so. Story as “equipment for living”…a perfect quote! Thanks so much for taking the time to respond and engage in a dialogue! Regards.

  12. Congratulations on your nomination !
    As a daughter of a mother who suffered terribly from addiction I appreciate all that you do. Her’s was the 60’s time period where dr’s thought valium and codiene cured everything.
    Thank you for your kind words , all the best to you 🙂

I'm happy to hear from you! Tell me what you think.